City Record Request

To request records please download and complete the request form below and return it to the city recorder’s office.

For agendas and minutes please see the page for the individual department or organization.

Note: The more specific and narrow the request, the easier it will be for an agency or office to respond to the request. If you are unsure about the records’ description, contact the agency or office records officer.
Note: Government keeps records in “series” or groups of records. To find out what series an agency or office maintains please visit the archives’ website. The record series retention schedules on the archives’ website include relevant descriptions.

Note: Utah Code § 63G-2-204 (GRAMA) requires a person making a records request to furnish the governmental entity
with a written request containing the requester’s name, mailing address, daytime telephone number (if available); and a
description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable specificity.