City Council Regular Meeting
February 15, 2022 | 6:00 pm
Midway Community Center, Council Chambers
Contact: City Recorder's Office at 435-654-3223 x118
Related Documents:
SR 113 Trail Extension / Approval
Ordinance 2022-06 / Internal Accessory Dwelling Units
Resolution 2022-07 / Watts Remund Farms Master Plan Agreement Second Amendment
Ordinance 2022-09 / Records Requests
Ordinance 2022-10 / Development Moratorium
Resolution 2022-08 / Notice of Pending Ordinance - PUDs
Resolution 2022-09 / Notice of Pending Ordinance - Moderate Income Housing
Resolution 2022-10 / Notice of Pending Ordinance - Outdoor Lighting
SR 113 Trail Extension / Approval
Ordinance 2022-06 / Internal Accessory Dwelling Units
Resolution 2022-07 / Watts Remund Farms Master Plan Agreement Second Amendment