Ballot Proposition Arguments

The Midway City Council will accept arguments, from eligible voters, for and against a proposition to be on the ballot for the General Election (5 November 2024).

The proposition would allow the issuance of up to $5,000,000 in general obligation bonds to finance all or a portion of the cost to preserve open space and related improvements. The bonds would be repaid with an increase in property taxes.

One argument for and one argument against will be selected. The chosen submitters will also be required to review the opposing argument and provide a rebuttal. The argument should not exceed 500 words. The rebuttals should not exceed 250 words. The arguments and rebuttals will be publicly distributed including in a voter information pamphlet that will be provided to all eligible voters.

Eligible voters wishing to submit arguments must file a notice of intent with the Midway City Recorder (, 75 North 100 West, Midway) by 5:30 p.m. on 30 August 2024. The arguments must be submitted by 6 September 2024. The rebuttals must be submitted by 20 September 2024. The eligible voter must include their name, residential address, postal address, email address if available, and phone number. The City Recorder will refuse to accept and publish any argument that is submitted after the above deadlines.